To all my FB friends, you may see me on the news after I "Go Postal" over my ongoing mission to get a new Driver's License! Detailed info below for those who care to share in my frustration!
1) New rules require an original Birth Certificate (which I've never had, so I ordered one and paid $50)... to show I'm really a Citizen even though I've been driving for about 30 years!
2) a Social Security Card (which I haven't seen in years) or an IRS document showing your COMPLETE Social Security number...
2a) CONFLICT 1: you can't get a new License without a Social Security card or official document with the complete SSN number, BUT...
2b) CONFLICT 2: you can't get a Social Security card without a valid License!!! An expired License is unacceptable, even though my License is only expired for 1 day!
2c) So, you need a SSN/Card to get a License, but you can't get a replacement SS Card without a License. Got it?
2d) The IRS 1099 forms that I have for 2009 were all mailed to me, and for those mailed forms they "X" out part of the SSN. So, those OFFICIAL 1099s are also unacceptable because the complete SSN is not shown, just the last 4 digits.
3) 2 recent letters from a government agency or utility that show your name and your address, just to verify that you are living where you say you are living.
4) Once armed with all your "papers," report to the nearest DUMP of a DL office and prepare to stand in line for 2 HOURS while the 2 or 3 employees try their best to serve about 30 people who are always waiting.
4a) After visiting two different offices and refusing to waste my day at each of them, a friend told me about the office on Pines Blvd and 157 Avenue inside a AAA Travel Center Office. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Clean, bright, CLEAN, professional, CLEAN and VERY PROFESSIONAL. Did I mention CLEAN? This place is perfect. I was politely checked in, told to wait in the SEATING area, and only waited for about 5 minutes before being called up.
4b) Staff at this facility are polite, professional and helpful. Very impressive compared to the other branches. Did I say the others are all DUMPS?
5) My latest roadblock was the aforementioned SSN issue. They politely told me to simply report to the SSA office near Pembroke Lakes Mall to get a quick, official printout of my SSN and bring it right back to the DL office.
5a) I went to the SSA office. Let me paint this picture for you: an open seating area with about 200 people waiting, plus SRO (standing room only) for new arrivals, and only FOUR windows open for service. A computerized "take a number" system. A wait of up to 3 to 4 HOURS to be called. I walked out.
I think I'm gonna get one of my LEO friends to try and run an NCIC printout on me so I can get some official documents with an SSN, DOB, etc. all in one place. But, the Florida DL Office will probably find a reason to tell me that an FBI printout is also unacceptable.
Watch for me on the news.
Bob I am so sorry (trying not to laugh)....It's just your description of how the DL offices are is just so spot on. I think the new requirements are soooo stupid as to be bordering on asinine - ok they are asinine! Hope you are able to get this all straightened out soon.